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Occupational Accidents & Injuries for NYC Sanitation Workers

Each day, New York City's Sanitation employees work tirelessly to clean our streets and remove garbage from our homes. The NYC Department of Sanitation (D.S.N.Y.) is the world's largest sanitation department. On average, the D.S.N.Y. collects more than 10,500 tons of residential and institutional garbage... (Keep Reading)

NYC Traffic Fatalities Rise Despite Vision Zero

Road fatalities in New York City have risen considerably in the last two years. According to the nonprofit, nonpartisan NYC digital news platform, The City, the NYPD recorded 269 traffic deaths in 2020 and 288 more by the end of 2021. This deadly uptick is the... (Keep Reading)

What Types Of Damages Can I Recover After A Car Accident?

After a car accident, you're going to face a lot of expenses. Hopefully, most of the expenses you incur โ€“ if not all โ€“ will be covered by the other person(s) insurance. Even more hopefully, you will be able to settle out of court, without... (Keep Reading)

Why Should I Hire A Lawyer After A Car Accident?

Truth be told, anytime you are injured at the hands of another, you should immediately contact an attorney. This can apply to car accidents, slip and fall accidents/injuries, dog bites, work-related incidents, and more. The sooner you contact legal representation, the better guaranteed you are... (Keep Reading)

What To Do After A Slip And Fall Accident In NY

Winter, in all its glory, is a prime time for ice and snow-related slip and fall injuries. Have you been injured in a slip and fall accident? Immediately following a slip and fall accident, there are a number of things that need to be done.... (Keep Reading)

How Can Insurance Affect My Car Accident Case?

"If automobile insurance affects my car accident case, in what way does it do so?" This could be a question you find yourself asking following an MVA (motor vehicle accident). Of course, not only does your insurance come into play but that of the other... (Keep Reading)

What Should I Do After A Car Accident If It’s Not My Fault?

The last thing you expect or need while driving to your job or running some errands is to be sitting at a stop sign and getting rear-ended. Suddenly, there is cracking glass, crunching steel, your head jolts forward, your chin snaps down, and your ears... (Keep Reading)

How Much Can I Sue For After A Car Accident In NY

You may wonder, if you've been involved in a crash with another vehicle, if you can sue for a car accident. Whether or not you are at fault in the accident could have a lot to do with being able to successfully file a personal... (Keep Reading)

How Is Fault Determined In A Car Accident In NY?

Who determines fault in a car accident? Insurance adjusters like to think they do. However, what might matter most in your claim โ€“ where the jury's opinion is concerned โ€“ is the police report. It can make or break your claim as to the determination... (Keep Reading)

New Laws for New York in 2022

Several new bills approved at the state Capitol impacting NYC residents are taking effect in 2022. Here are some of the most significant ones affecting New Yorkers this year:  City Laws Salary Laws: Employers in NYC will be required to mention the minimum and maximum starting salaries for... (Keep Reading)

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