Wrongful death claim could result from New York fatal accident
Loss and heartache can quickly strike family members who lose a loved one to a vehicle crash. Death is particularly likely in a head-on collision, one of the most devastating types of car accidents due to the force of the crash. A wrongful death claim in New York certainly cannot bring back a dearly missed loved one who dies in this type of wreck, but prevailing in this type of suit can offer financial relief and even some sense of closure in such a tragic situation.
Two people recently died following a morning collision. The accident happened on State Route 3 when a northbound vehicle went over the middle line of the roadway. Reportedly, it then crashed into a sport utility vehicle that was driving in the opposite direction.
The collision apparently occurred when the driver of the northbound vehicle, a 20-year-old man, lost control of the automobile. Two passengers in his vehicle were killed. Meanwhile, the driver suffered critical injuries and had to undergo surgery. The SUV driver, on the other hand, was treated at the scene.
The loved ones of the two passengers who died in the two-vehicle crash may decide to file wrongful death lawsuits against the driver deemed responsible for the crash, as well as any separate owner of the vehicle he was operating. If it is established that he was disobeying a rule of the road or was engaging in some other form of negligence, evidence of this could be used to prove his financial responsibility. Liability must be established through competent proof submitted to a New York court before it will consider the specific items of financial damage claimed.
Source: cnycentral.com, Two killed in crash that shut down Route 3 in Palermo, Jeremy Ryan, Dec. 12, 2013
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