Fatal wrong-way crash in New York leads to charges
Motor vehicle accidents encompass a wide range of crashes and collisions. Some accidents are mere fender benders, resulting in nothing more than scrapes and bruises. Others, like a wrong-way accident, often prove to be far more deadly. Wrong-way car accidents involve twice as much force as that of a same-direction accident. Victims are lucky to walk away from such accidents with their lives. Many, sadly, cannot claim such luck.
A man is facing criminal charges for a wrong-way accident in New York that resulted in the death of a woman passenger, according to reports. The man was driving on a New York bridge in the wrong lane when he hit another vehicle head on. Tragically, a passenger in the other vehicle, the woman, succumbed to her injuries.
The driver of the other vehicle claimed to have been confused by the road signs and remembers very little about what led to the accident. He is being charged with criminal negligent homicide. Three other cars were also involved in the crash, though whether or not there were injured victims in these cars was not stated.
Fatal car accidents can rip a loved one away in a matter of seconds. Suddenly, the families of victims are left to deal with a great deal of emotional pain — sometimes as the result of another driver’s negligent actions. When another driver is suspected of having acted negligently in a fatal accident, the families of victims can file wrongful death lawsuits. Wrongful death lawsuits allow families to pursue compensation that can help them cope with some of the financial costs associated with the accident.
Source: Saratogian, “New York wrong-way driver charged with homicide in crash,” Mar. 28, 2014
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