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Car Accidents

2 injured in New York auto accident; unsafe lane change?

Learning that a loved one has suffered injuries in a car accident can cause intense anxiety. This feeling of fear and worry can soon be replaced by indignation if the family member discovers that another driver’s carelessness is what senselessly caused the incident. In such a situation, the injured person has the right to pursue reimbursement of financial damages caused by the auto accident in New York.

Two people are experiencing this situation first-hand as a result of a vehicle crash on Interstate 81. The crash happened when a man who was 24 years old cut off another car. This caused the 35-year-old driver of the other car to reduce his speed and swerve into the median.

This 35-year-old’s vehicle then struck another one. He and the 67-year-old driver of the car that he hit suffered injuries and were taken to the hospital. The 24-year-old who reportedly started the massive accident was given a ticket for unsafe lane change.

The accused man will now have to respond to his citation for unsafe lane change. However, he may also face other legal difficulties in the form of personal injury claims. The two men who suffered injuries can sue him, seeking the reimbursement of monetary damages stemming from the accident. A civil lawsuit can be successful in New York if the negligent act of unsafely changing a lane can be established as a causal factor in the auto accident. Claims for financial damages will be decided if liability can be satisfactorily established in civil court.

Source: 9wsyr.com, Police: Driver ticketed after unsafe lane change causes crash on I-81 near Hancock, two sent to hospital, No author, Nov. 19, 2013

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