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Premises Liability

Can bad instructions resultin a premises liability claim?

In New York, landlords and property owners may be liable for injuries suffered by guests if the owner did not keep their premises in a reasonably safe condition. In other words, knowing about an unsafe condition and not properly repairing it can result in liability... (Keep Reading)

What is New York’s notice rule?

Persons injured on another premises must prove that the owner of the premises owed a duty of care to the plaintiff, that the owner breached that duty and that the breach of this duty caused the damages or injury. Where a person is injured in... (Keep Reading)

How responsible is the repairman?

New York places premises liability upon landlords and building owners for accidents in their buildings or on their property. They may have to pay compensation to injured parties if they were negligent in dealing with an unsafe condition. In other words, owners are liable for... (Keep Reading)

Repeats may hold landlords liable

New York law holds landlords and property owner responsible for injuries suffered by individuals who were lawfully their property when the owner or landlord knew or should have known about an unsafe condition and did not properly repair, eliminate it or cordon it off. Property... (Keep Reading)

Advocacy report shows construction injury risk

A recent report on construction injuries in New York showed that workers in this occupation remain at risk for serious and even fatal injuries. While this work remains dangerous, efforts are being made to weaken laws designed to protect workers. In its 2015 report, the... (Keep Reading)

What is the owner’s security responsibility?

In New York, owners and landlords owe a duty of care to guests on their property to keep their property in a safe condition and minimize foreseeable dangers such as criminal acts committed by third parties. Failure to comply with this duty may impose liability... (Keep Reading)

Dog negligence is limited

New York, unlike most other states, imposes less liability on pet owners for dog bites or when their pets otherwise harm another person. Two recent high court cases in the state have further imposed this precedent. Owners are not liable for the actions of their... (Keep Reading)

What is the responsibility for a roomate’s dog?

On behalf of Pazer Epstein Jaffe Fein & Gozenput, P.C. in Premises Liability on Wednesday, July 1, 2015. Dog owners in New York are responsible for injuries inflicted by their dogs in a premises liability case if they were aware or should have been aware... (Keep Reading)

What is needed to prove a slip-and-fall case?

In New York City, residents often face the risk of staircase accidents in the infinite number of apartment buildings and other residences throughout the city. To prove liability and obtain compensation for damages suffered in a fall on a slippery surface, certain proof is vital.... (Keep Reading)

When is the landlord responsible for violence?

Under New York law, property owners must act in a reasonable manner to prevent harm to anyone on their premises. This extends not only to apartments but also to business establishments such as stores, restaurants and movie theaters. A property owner, or landlord's, responsibility includes... (Keep Reading)

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