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How to Keep Construction Workers Safe in the Heat 

It won’t be long before heatwaves are burning up the streets of New York City. While safety experts advise New Yorkers to avoid the outdoors and stay cool during periods of extreme heat, construction workers and outdoor laborers do not have this luxury.  Despite grueling... (Keep Reading)

Avoid A Trip To The ER On The 4TH Of July 

Fireworks will fill the skies across the country this weekend in celebration of America’s birthday. These bright and spectacular shows bring communities together and set the scene for beautiful memories. Unfortunately, not all firework memories are happy, especially when they end with a trip to... (Keep Reading)

The 100 Deadliest Days: The Dangers Facing Teen Drivers

Your teens may be looking forward to summer fun right around the corner, but it’s time for parents and guardians to step up their road safety efforts. This holiday weekend marks the beginning of the 100 Deadliest Days for teen drivers. Every year, AAA reports... (Keep Reading)

Going Beyond National Safety Stand-Down Week

Falls have consistently ranked as the leading cause of work fatality in the construction industry, specifically falls from elevation. In 2020, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (B.L.S.) reported that out of 1,008 construction fatalities reported, 351 of them (nearly 35% of all fatalities) involved workers... (Keep Reading)

NYC Pedestrians–Don’t Walk Here!

New York City has experienced an alarming uptick in pedestrian accidents affecting communities across five boroughs. The New York Post recently reported that 59 pedestrians in NYC were killed within the first quarter of 2022, a 44% increase from the previous year. These new statistics... (Keep Reading)

Fatal Construction Fall at Queens Worksite

An Ecuadorian construction worker was killed in a tragic construction accident last week after falling 20-ft down an open shaft on a worksite in Queens. Channel 4 News reported the worker was moving a plywood board on the ground level of the building at St.... (Keep Reading)

Distracted Driving Awareness Month

April marks the beginning of Distracted Driving Awareness Month, a life-saving initiative that becomes more necessary every year. In 2020, the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration (N.H.T.S.A.) reported 3,142 fatalities due to distracted driving accidents, all of which were 100% preventable.  This year, the... (Keep Reading)

As New York Begins to Thaw Out into Spring– Beware of Broken Sidewalks

As all New Yorker’s know by now, the Tri-State area is in the midst of what is historically the snowiest part of the winter season. While most residents stay warm and dry in their houses and apartments–watching endless news coverage and social media feeds showing... (Keep Reading)

Top Four Qualities Of A Competent Personal Injury Attorney

A competent personal injury attorney can be the difference in whether or not you receive a successful settlement and the number of damage claims you are entitled to. After undergoing a traumatic and serious injury, it is natural to want to find the best and... (Keep Reading)

Top Four Benefits Of Working With A Slip And Fall Lawyer

After a slip and fall accident, you may be severely injured and need to take time off your work. You may also be faced with large medical expenditures and bills for your injuries. This coupled with the inconvenience of your injury and the emotional stress... (Keep Reading)

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