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Choosing a Doctor

Medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the United States taking nearly 300,000 lives every year, according to a John Hopkins study. Medical errors can be caused by a number of oversights and mistakes made by physicians, and sometimes itโ€™s not their... (Keep Reading)

Clergy Abuse Scandal

The release of an appalling report this Tuesday in Pennsylvania has some Catholic families afraid to continue raising their children within the church. In a startling 1,356-page grand jury document, taking two years of investigating to complete, more than 300 Catholic โ€œpredator priestsโ€ were accused... (Keep Reading)

Worker Heat Injuries

Heat is not a weather condition to mess around with when it comes to outdoor working occupations. In July of 2015, a 37-year-old sanitation employee working on Staten Island was complaining about the effects of working in the extreme heat before he went to his... (Keep Reading)

Construction Accidents in NYC

New York City has seen a spike in construction accidents in the last few months that are showing a concerning disregard for worksite safety. On July 12, a construction worker in Morningside Heights was killed when a steel beam fell on him. The beam fell... (Keep Reading)

Heatstroke Kills

A four-month-old baby in central New York died of heatstroke after being left in his fatherโ€™s car for an โ€˜extended period of timeโ€™ back in the summer of 2016. The baby was found unconscious and was pronounced dead despite emergency medical procedures to save him-... (Keep Reading)

Summer Concerts can be Dangerous… and Deadly

Now that school is officially out, summer concert season is in full swing. Multi-season arenas and outdoor venues are preparing for packed crowds and sold-out shows. Music lovers of all genres are just waiting to hear their favorite tunes accompanied by thousands of other fans.... (Keep Reading)

Secrets Your Surgeon Won’t Tell You

This past May, a disturbing video went viral of a plastic surgeon from Georgia dancing and singing while standing over patients during surgery. Not only is the doctor holding a scalpel during the video, but blurred images clearly show multiple bodies of patients were already... (Keep Reading)

Vision Zero

Since beginning in 2014, Vision Zero has made a noticeable impact on the safety of New York City streets. Last year, ย NYC saw the lowest rates of traffic-related fatalities since 1910. Between 2013 and 2017, traffic deaths overall dropped 28% and pedestrian fatalities were down... (Keep Reading)

NYC Hospital Safety Grades

NYC Hospitals Are Part of the 3rd Leading Cause of Death Medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the United States next to heart disease and cancer, contributing to an estimated 200,000 to 400,000 fatalities every year. Patient health and safety should... (Keep Reading)

Our partner Mark Epstein Advocates for LIRR Commuters

LIRR watchdog: Give riders direct updates from control center

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