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Firm News

Work Hazards For Women In Construction

The number of women joining the construction labor force is on the rise, and so are the work hazards they face. According to an article published by The New York Times this March, the number of women in construction occupations has increased at least 31... (Keep Reading)

Elevator Safety

Safety of New York Elevators is Slipping โ€œPrivate elevator inspectors in New York City are missing hazardous violations and allowing unsafe conditions to go unrepaired,โ€ according to a report by New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli. This is worrisome news for New Yorkers. โ€œIn a... (Keep Reading)

25 Most Dangerous Jobs In America

While most Americans go to work hoping to make it home by dinner, some workers in dangerous industries are just hoping to make it home at all. A total of 5,147 workers sustained fatal injuries on the job in 2017, according to the Bureau of... (Keep Reading)

OSHA Injury Reporting

There are approximately 4,500,000 occupational injuries reported every year. As shocking as this statistic may appear, this number is most likely even higher. Underreported injuries in the workplace may be more common than we thought, and employers could be encouraging the behavior without even realizing... (Keep Reading)

Vaping Dangers

E-cigs, vape pens, tank systems, mods. There are a number of different styles and nicknames for e-cigarettes on the market and chances are you have been seeing them everywhere. Similar to the rest of the country, New York saw a massive increase in the number... (Keep Reading)

Throttle E-Bike Bill

Watch out New Yorkers- all e-bikes could soon be legal! A new bill is proposing that the city remove a ban on handlebar activated e-bikes that have long been holding back delivery drivers who rely on them for business. However, some New Yorkers are fearful... (Keep Reading)

Worker Fatigue

The American workforce is overall exhausted. The National Safety Council (NSC) reports at least 69% of employees in our country are suffering from fatigue while on the job and many of these workers are in safety-critical industries such as construction. Fatigue: The Overlooked Construction Hazard... (Keep Reading)

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